Shane Xuan

"I'm so fat"
"Why I always tired?"

These are the questions keep come into our mind nowadays
Am i right? :)
"I had been almost a year didn't exercise
(hmm,i mean not regularly)
Always eat unhealthy foods, so oily.
Lots of people said I was so thin. Ya I might be have a thin body shape, but not my face
If you really take an eye closer, you will know i have a chubby face >0<
1 week ago, I decided to slim down my face
That's I need to plan my meal and exercise frequently, said by my sweetie :)
He told me the part we sweat the most, the part where the fat remain in our body
Yes, it's true. (*He is my private professional trainer :D)
 Yet, it really need strong determination and motivation..
they are the keys to be success in our life (* I believe it)
From this little change, I realize something important in our life
<<When you think you can,you sure can as long as we stop to be lazy and go forward our aim, persevere on our objectives>>

For a week's result, my face really slim down. Though just a little, yet it makes me work harder on it."

Had you really to take a move to healthy life? The answer is in your hands :D

"Is you decide your ways as you are what you eat"

Stay tune...coming  next << The First Secret >>

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