Shane Xuan
Did my sharing bring changes for you?
Hopefully is worked for you

The 5th lesson is very simple
Just need a small bench
Repeat the movement of up and down stairs for 20-30 time.

So easy:)
Shane Xuan
Let's continue our 4th lesson


i. Sit on a chair / sofa / bed, put your both legs on the floor
ii. Stretch your left hand to the right and the right hand to the left. Make sure that your body is remain in home position.
iii. Repeat it 20-30 times.

Don't it easy :) ?

Shane Xuan
How's with your 1st & 2nd practise?
Success / Give Up?

Well, let's start our 3rd lesson. It's similar with the 1st lesson.
i. Lie on the bed by putting both legs straight.
ii. Lift your both legs straight & upward.

(p/s: If you face the same problem like me, can't life both legs in the same time, you can lift one by one)
iii. Repeat for 20 -30 times + 2 precious lessons.

Oh ya, don't forget to drink more water. Make it an habit. It'll bring a big change to your life.

Believe me:)

"Is you decide the future of your life"

Cheers & Stay tune...
<<My Exercise Plan - Part V>>

See you:)
Shane Xuan
 "Do you face problem in managing your time?"

TIME MANAGEMENT skills are one of the essential skills for us.
The one who pro in managing his time effectively, he will be the highest achiever in all wallks of his life.
The heart of time management
"Concentrate on results, not on being busy"
An effective time management will hwlps you to choose what to work on & when. Besides, when you know how to manage your time, you gain control.

SCHEDULING, the process by which we look at the time available & plan how will use it to achieve the goals you have identified. .

By scheduling effectively, you can reduce stress & maximize your effectiveness.
It is one of the most vital time management skills you can use.

5 processes:
i. Identify the time you have available.
ii. Block in the essential tasks you must carry out to succeed in your job.
iii. Schedule in high priority urgent tasks & vital "house-keeping" activities.
iv. Block in appropriate contingency time to handle unpredictable interruptionsies that address your priorities & personal goals.
v. In the time that remains, schedule the activites

Enjoy :) !!

Stay tune.... coming next << My Exercise Plan-Part IV>>
Shane Xuan
Did you start your exercise plan last night?
If yes, congratulation
If no, faster kill your lazy worms!

How's your 1st practise?
Knees are pain? :) Don't worry, it's normal. Keep it up and you will be used to it.
Okay, had you get ready for the 2nd practise

Abdominal exercise
Do it for 20-30 times together with your 1st practise
When you do this sit up,you will feel pain at your abdominal part
If you can't, just make it for 10 times enough

"Kill your lazy worm, build up your determination"

Stay tune....coming next *Special Edition*

Shane Xuan
"No time to go to park for exercise?"
Let's make your room be your gymnasium space

Let's me share you with the 1st lesson
Step 1: Lie on the bed (without any pillow) with pu your legs straight
Step 2: Lift your legs and repeat the cycling motion for 10-20 times

Don't it easy? :)

"Move now, and make it an habit"

Stay tune.... coming next <<My Exercise Plan-Part III>>
Shane Xuan
Find no time to exercise?
Don't know the best ways to reduce fat?
Feel lazy?
All of these are just the reasons for the lazy people.

Nothing is impossible if you have these 2 weapons

<<impossible = I M POSSIBLE>>

Indirectly, you will be trained how to manage your time wisely and systematically
Spend half an hour per day, let's burn some fat
Be remember 1 thing
"The lazier you are, the more fat you allocate,the more unhealthier you are"

1 thing is true that..
your body will be very relax once you exercise
Sweating lots is good, as it helps metabolisation, flushes toxin from our body & cleans the dirt in our pores

Healthy meal is needed
Drink more water

I'm now spend half an hour per day to exercise
Wonder where i got my time to do so? :)
I exercise at night

"The greatest wealth is health -- Virgil"

Stay tune...coming next <<My Exercise Plan-Part II>>

:) Smile for your day
Shane Xuan
What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
With the new change in my life
This is the first thing i do every morning
500ml WATER

I believe that the reason for those people who seldom drink water is just same like me before
"Water is tasteless"
Isn't it? :)
But, WATER is our body most vital's nutrien where it stand of 70-75% of our body weight
Why WATER is good to body?
 1. To maintain our body temperature
2. To metabolize our body's fat
3. To aid in digestion
4. To lubricate and cushion our body organs
5. To transport nutriens
6.To flush toxin from our body
Everyone should drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. None the less, if you exercise or overweight, the body needs more than 8 glasses of water to transport nutrien and energy to muscles and for taking waste from tissue.

Other than that, WATER is the best 'medicine' for skin beauty

Let's take a move to build up a good habit. Is not for me, but for you!

"Health, the greatest of all we count as blessings -- Ariphron"

Stay tune...coming next <<My Exercise Plan - Part I>>
Shane Xuan

"I'm so fat"
"Why I always tired?"

These are the questions keep come into our mind nowadays
Am i right? :)
"I had been almost a year didn't exercise
(hmm,i mean not regularly)
Always eat unhealthy foods, so oily.
Lots of people said I was so thin. Ya I might be have a thin body shape, but not my face
If you really take an eye closer, you will know i have a chubby face >0<
1 week ago, I decided to slim down my face
That's I need to plan my meal and exercise frequently, said by my sweetie :)
He told me the part we sweat the most, the part where the fat remain in our body
Yes, it's true. (*He is my private professional trainer :D)
 Yet, it really need strong determination and motivation..
they are the keys to be success in our life (* I believe it)
From this little change, I realize something important in our life
<<When you think you can,you sure can as long as we stop to be lazy and go forward our aim, persevere on our objectives>>

For a week's result, my face really slim down. Though just a little, yet it makes me work harder on it."

Had you really to take a move to healthy life? The answer is in your hands :D

"Is you decide your ways as you are what you eat"

Stay tune...coming  next << The First Secret >>

Shane Xuan
"If you are in the T-junction,
there are 3 choices
1. Remain in the same point, and live in past.
2. Stand and look around, without take any action.
3. Look forward and fight for your target.
Which way you choose?"

None of us will satisfy with our own life
$, fashion, entertainment....the MUST in nowadays life
The more we get, the more our desires
Never will us satisfy
we learn to appreciate & grateful on what we have been blessed
"Don't grumble at the happenings in daily life"
(*I knew it's hard:))
Make use of everyday, change little by little
NEVER find yourself any reason
LAZINESS is the root of failure
None the less, without a HEALTY LIFE, everything is just lifeless..


Stay tune...Coming next <<Healthy Life>>
Shane Xuan
Start my blog..
share about my life's concept
Life is just simple as the layout
Yet people tend to complicate it..
Isn't it?

Stay tune..ya:)